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What’s a Complete Briquette Production Line Like?

 TheZHONGZHOU  briquette machine line is used to press all kinds of powder materials and it is widely used in the metallurgy industry, chemical engineering industry and refractory matter industry.

Our briquette production line can press powder materials that are hard to be formed under high pressure by the high strength balls such as quick lime, magnesia powder, copper concentrate, chromium powder, lead and zinc waste, bauxite, non-ferrous metal powder, refractory matter, ceramics etc.

The briquette production line is able to make green material balls with even granularity and enough strength by adding proper proportion of water and binder to the powder minerals. The green briquettes are pelletized in the oxidizing atmosphere after being dried and pre-heated. Because of the pellets' good clod state strength, reducibility and granularity, they become the blast furnace burdens with the same importance with the sinter. They together can form a good burden material structure.

For the briquette production line, the briquette machine is the most important part which is mainly used to process tailing disposals and to suppress powder materials that are hard to take shape.

Our briquette machine features large briquette pressure, adjustable main engine revolution and the assembly of spiral feeding device. The briquetting machine is mainly used for the coal powder formation, dry powder formation, flue gas desulfurization gypsum formation, coke powder formation, scrap iron and other metal powder formation.

The briquetting machines are divided into strong hydraulic briquetting machine, ore powder briquetting machine, double roller briquetting machine and so on.


*Describe your buying requirements in detail

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