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The coal briquette machinery market analysis report

In the development of Chinese coal briquette. Experienced a stage of coal at home and built many, many failures, in the collapse of the new lot. But we believe that coa briquette is still a promising industry, we are the first big country of coal production capacity in the world. The economic development need coal briquettes, the market need coal briquettes, coal briquette also is needed environmental protection! In the market economy today, to the development of coal briquettes, first of all it need to recognize the fact that: coal sales price, the spread between briquetted coal and powdered coal, the bituminous coal price per ton is about 100RMB; anthracite coal price per ton is for more than 100 RMB. The coal briquette to gain market,The sales price must not be higher than the price of coal and coal briquettes must is high quality, to win the share the briquette development in the market, but the coal briquettes is still in the doldrums. Analysis of the main reasons for the four aspects: 1 technical. 2. Economic: 3.Market; 4.Devices. The technology is still concentrated on the briquette binder, it is key techniques in the process of coal briquettes production, is also restricted the bottleneck of the development of briquette, currently it is difficult to find the good binder on the market, to meet the cold and thermal mechanical strength, with thermal stability, waterproof, and a series of indicators to have higher formability and workability, but also does not produce secondary pollution, does not increase much ash, but also the best solid sulfur, combustion and waterproof functions and binder cost control at around 40 RMB per ton coal briquettes production. Coal briquetets market is large, the problem is China's coal industry has not formed the scale of production; on the other hand, the product quality is not high. From the quantity and quality can not meet the needs of the domestic and foreign markets. Currently the emerging in the tide of coal development by a group of private enterprises has exposed the vibrant scene. The main production enterprise produced heating the boiler briquette. During the heating season, this coal briquettes are in short supply, they go a simplified low-cost equipment line, the factory use coal briquette machine(two rollers type), the production was 4--15 ton/ hour, the cost of binder is in 30RMBm. So as long as there are advanced coal briquette machine, mature technology, economic and market problems will be solved. This batch of enterprises will soon be put into industrial coal, coal gas, coke powder into the coal briquettes production. We study the purpose of binder for coal briquette is: in briquette drying Road at the same time, rushes out a road of a free drying, low cost of binders, and make greater contributions to the further prosperity of briquette market.


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